Module 5: Planning And Your Business Model
The Annual Financial Plan
Know how much money you are going to make next year before the year starts!
Expense Trend Types
Map your expenses to these four common expense types. Click here to view
Chapter 2: Financial Planning Basics
Too many businesses operate without a financial plan. Learn why you should have one and get some tips on building your own. Click here to read
The Long Term Plan
Broaden your perspective as you move from the annual plan to the long term plan.
A handful of well implemented key initiatives are much more impactful than dozens that don’t gain organizational traction. Click here to view
More About Business Models
How can you differentiate and offer something of higher value to customers that are willing to pay more?
Business Model Comparison
Compare and contrast different business models. Most people can relate to these examples and apply them to their own company. Click here to view
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