Synthesis (December 2012)

The Random House College Dictionary defines synthesis as a “process of reasoning in which the conclusion is reached directly from given propositions and established or assumed principles.”   When communicating (whether in business or your personal life) it is critically important …


Action (November 2012)

I am always amazed at the lack of action I see in companies that are in the midst of crisis.    Problems abound and people generally know what they are but everyone seems to tolerate them for some reason or another.    …


Effective Boards (July 2012)

The difference in company performance between one with an effective Board of Directors and one that is not effective can be dramatic.   In the short run, it may seem like it is easier to have a lax board but in …


C-Suite Skills Cont’d (May 2012)

Last month, I talked about the critical skills needed for an effective C-Suite.  In addition to a broad cross section of domain expertise and well rounded individuals, I believe every executive needs to bring Seven Critical Business Skills to the …


Are You Busy or Bored? (August 2010)

Are you busy or bored at work? It’s a question worth asking and the answer can probably give you insights into your company’s financial position even if you’ve never seen an income statement or balance sheet. If you’re busy (and …


Set The Agenda (April 2010)

If you don’t set the agenda, one will be set for you. Guaranteed. Even if you do take the initiative and set an agenda, there is some chance that the boss will overrule you on some or even all of …


To Whom Are You Accountable (February 2010)

One of the trickier problems for smaller businesses is accountability of “the boss.” Whether it is a sole proprietor, family owned business, or one that is majority controlled with “silent” minority partners, accountability is often a real issue. I’ve found …


Water The Plants! (January 2010)

Believe it or not, one of the first things that I look for when I walk into an office is whether anyone waters the plants? While I care about the health and welfare of the plants, what I am really …
