The Customer Service Agent is Beleaguered – And It’s Not THEIR Fault Last week Shep Hyken, a friend, author, and noted customer service speaker, wrote The Customer Is Angry – And, It’s Not Your Fault (you can follow the link …
Every day we are faced with a multitude of choices. In fact, we are faced with so many that most of the time we aren’t even conscious of most of them. Our brains rapidly make choices moment by moment as …
Do you know what’s in your job description? Believe it or not, I hope that you don’t! I’ve always viewed job descriptions as something that you read at the beginning of your employment and then put in a drawer and …
Sometimes accomplishing a goal takes more effort than you’re accustomed to putting in. No matter how hard you might be working, there are times when you realize that the current level of effort isn’t quite enough and you just have …
Several years ago, we were vacationing in Florida and I rented a power boat for a few hours. I suppose my boating skills were a little rusty and I was definitely in unfamiliar waters. As we cruised up to a …
As one grows in their career and life, it’s important to develop an expertise in one or more areas. Most successful people make their living by doing something well. Whether that be someone who works with their mind or one …
I don’t often write these newsletters as lists but I had some questions swirling around in my head the other morning so I thought I would take the opportunity to share them with my readers. Ask yourself, are my employees …
Last week I faced a somewhat daunting challenge which basically required me to be in two different cities at the same time. Clearly, that’s just not possible so something was going to have to give and it didn’t seem like …
How much? It’s an inevitable question that nearly everyone asks during the buying process for most items. Sure, there are exceptions. You might not ask how much the cup of coffee is because it’s posted on the wall or you …
After my softer, gentler message last month, as promised I am returning to the more traditional focus on finance, cash flow and business performance. It is a well-known fact (if you don’t believe me, check Google) that people are often …