The (Voting) Process (November 2008)

As the 2008 Presidential Elections fade from our collective memory, I’d like to ask you to take a look back and think about the voting process. No, not the two years running up to November 4th, how you selected your …


Fix Your Small Problems First! (August 2008)

While I realize that the title of this newsletter might sound counter intuitive, it is a thought worth considering. Fix your small problems first. We all know that many books have been written about prioritization and tackling the A’s before …


Step One (July 2008)

With all of the computing power that has been applied to business over the last 30 years, I sometimes wonder if it has produced any better information!? Yes, we have reams of data but there are times when it serves …


It’s A System . . . (June 2008)

It’s A System . . . A business is a system. Much like a mechanical system or the human body, if one part is not working it puts pressure on all the others. If you think about your own business …


Let’s Talk Strategy! (May 2008)

As I look back over the last several newsletters that I have written, it occurred to me that my recent focus has been on “details” . . . spending, cost controls, etc. While this is certainly important, I wanted to …


Because It Matters! (April 2008)

When I walk into a new organization I question every cost that crosses my desk. Why? Because it matters! Every dollar matters and experience has taught me there is a lot of waste out there! Obviously, I question the bigger …


Get The Answer You Want (March 2008)

During any given week, I get multiple requests that sound something like this: “Can we spend $2,500 on xyz?” Or, “We need to buy abc and it’s going to cost $12,000.” Well, actually, that last one isn’t technically a request; …
