Are You Working On The Business? (July 2010)

There is a question that often gets asked, particularly of small business owners. That is: Are you working “on” the business or working “in” the business? While the distinction may sound small, it is critically important. Too many small business …


Sustainable Growth (June 2010)

Some time ago, I worked with a formula called the sustainable growth rate model. Generally, it takes a company’s profit margins, the amount it wishes to retain for growth (as opposed to pay out as compensation to management or dividends …


Differentiate (May 2010)

How do you differentiate your product or service? Even better, how do your customers perceive the differentiation between you and your competitors? These are important questions. And you should answer the first before you attempt to answer the second. It …


Set The Agenda (April 2010)

If you don’t set the agenda, one will be set for you. Guaranteed. Even if you do take the initiative and set an agenda, there is some chance that the boss will overrule you on some or even all of …


Assess The Situation (March 2010)

I am all for action. Frankly, my bias is toward digging in and starting work rather than developing a detailed action plan of what needs to be done. That being said, in solving any problem you need a general direction …


To Whom Are You Accountable (February 2010)

One of the trickier problems for smaller businesses is accountability of “the boss.” Whether it is a sole proprietor, family owned business, or one that is majority controlled with “silent” minority partners, accountability is often a real issue. I’ve found …


Water The Plants! (January 2010)

Believe it or not, one of the first things that I look for when I walk into an office is whether anyone waters the plants? While I care about the health and welfare of the plants, what I am really …


Strive For Perfection (December 2009)

Everyone makes mistakes. I used to work with someone who said: “Show me a man who doesn’t make mistakes and I’ll show you a man who’s not doing anything.” While, true, this is no reason not to strive for perfection. …


Too Many Lines (October 2009)

During the last couple of weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to review a few new income statements. What I saw was pretty typical . . . too many lines. Both had over 150 line items. It is clear that the …
