Clearly, that’s a question that can be taken more than one way. If the headline brought to mind the vehicle that gets you to work, around town, and on family vacations, that’s a reasonable way to think about the question. …
Last month I wrote about Strategy vs. Execution and one of my readers wrote back and defined the terms as “Doing the Right Things” (strategy) vs. “Doing Things Right” (execution). I have never heard it expressed quite so simply before. …
The other evening I was at a dinner party and the subject of strategy vs. execution came up. I’ve played lead roles on both strategy and implementation teams so I have experience in both areas (still it was a Saturday …
Last month I wrote about customer loyalty and posed the question of whether businesses understood why customers stay with them. But what influences buyers in the first place? As a former finance leader at LensCrafters I was one of the …
Are your customers loyal or are they returning due to habit or the inertia of not wanting to invest the energy to find an alternative? For some businesses, it is easy for customers to change. For others, it takes a …
Delegating is an art. There is a huge difference between delegating responsibility versus tasks. There are also vast differences between delegating to one individual versus another. To delegate responsibility can initially take more effort than doing something yourself but in …
I am currently working on presenting an analysis of spending over various categories, time periods, and numerous items that are inconsistent from year to year. Fortunately, we have a substantial amount of detail. Sometimes a lack of detail is the …
The other day I was in a Board meeting awaiting my portion of the presentation I began thinking about the level of detail that I had at hand. Other than to gather a few last minute facts and write the …
We can all fall victim to doing things that we like to do rather than doing things that we should. As you go about your day, and more importantly as you plan the future, it is important to distinguish between …
Years ago, I frequently participated in professionally facilitated strategic planning sessions. I still remember the leader of one session standing up at the beginning and asking everyone to “Be Here Now”. What did he mean by that? Well, it was …